[IronPython] RE: Problems in Automating IE with IronPython
Ray Djajadinata
rayfd_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 23 09:09:43 CEST 2005
Please ignore my earlier post about this, I kinda know
what caused the problem now. It seems that when I say
doc = ieApp.Document
IP goes and searches for the type of this thing in the
type library--so it didn't really hang, it just took a
long time for it to find it and return, seemingly.
After I've tlbimp-ed mshtml.tlb and loaded the
resulting assembly, the call returns immediately.
>>> ieApp.Navigate("http://www.yahoo.com/")
(<System.Reflection.Missing object at
0x000000000000002B>, <System.Reflection.Mi
ssing object at 0x000000000000002B>,
<System.Reflection.Missing object at 0x0000
00000000002B>, <System.Reflection.Missing object at
>>> doc = ieApp.Document
>>> doc
<com_object System.__ComObject with interfaces [<type
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