[IronPython] Metaclass Error

Nathan R. Ernst ernsnat at iit.edu
Fri Apr 7 04:36:59 CEST 2006

With the following (contrived) metaclass sample, I get a NotImplementedError
on the indicated line.  It appears to be due to IPythonContainer interface
members being unimplemented in IronPython.Runtime.ReflectedType.  I've
attached the .Net stack separately as it was a little ugly.


#######Begin Code Block 1 #######

#!/usr/bin/env python


class DataType(type):


      def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):

            dct = dict([(k, cls.make_prop(cls, k, v)) for k, v in

            type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dct)


      def make_prop(cls, name, type, read_only=False): 

            prop_name = '_%s__%s' % (cls.__name__, name)


            def setter(self, __x):

                  setattr(self, prop_name, type(__x))


            def getter(self):

                  return getattr(self, prop_name)


            if read_only:                             ## Error occurs here.

                  return property(getter)


                  return property(getter, setter)


class Test(object):

      __metaclass__ = DataType

      foo = str

      bar = int


t = Test()

t.foo = 'Hello World'

t.bar = 42


print '%s: %d' % (t.foo, t.bar)


#######End Code Block 1 #######



IronPython stack:


  File .\metatest.py, line 23, in Initialize

  File .\metatest.py, line 6, in __init__

  File .\metatest.py, line 18, in make_prop

NotImplementedError: The method or operation is not implemented.



CPython output:

Hello World: 42

if I comment out the "if read_only.else" lines yielding the second code
block, the code works.


#######Begin Code Block 2 #######

#!/usr/bin/env python


class DataType(type):


      def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):

            dct = dict([(k, cls.make_prop(cls, k, v)) for k, v in

            type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dct)


      def make_prop(cls, name, type, read_only=False):

            prop_name = '_%s__%s' % (cls.__name__, name)


            def setter(self, __x):

                  setattr(self, prop_name, type(__x))


            def getter(self):

                  return getattr(self, prop_name)


            return property(getter, setter)


class Test(object):

      __metaclass__ = DataType

      foo = str

      bar = int


t = Test()

t.foo = 'Hello World'

t.bar = 42


print '%s: %d' % (t.foo, t.bar)


#######End Code Block 2#######



Hello World: 42



I've not yet had a chance to take a crack at a patch, but I wanted to bring
this up as soon as possible.


Thanks, as always, for all your hard work, guys.


-Nathan Ernst

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