[IronPython] Possible problem with DockStyle.Fill

Patrick O'Brien sum.ergo.code at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 18:42:40 CET 2006

On 12/4/06, Martin Maly <Martin.Maly at microsoft.com> wrote:
>  I suspect that the same code written in VB/C# would behave the same way.
> This is most likely behavior of Windows Forms. Not being a winforms expert,
> I can't tell for sure whether this is correct behavior or a bug in Winforms…
I created a similar C# app and can confirm that it behaves the same way.  If
this is not a bug, it is extremely counterintuitive behavior.  I could see
the button getting truncated by the menu if I added the button with Fill
first, then added the menu.  But that is the order that works fine.  The one
that truncates is when you add the menu, then add the button.  Whatever it
is, it certainly isn't nice.  :-(

Patrick K. O'Brien
Orbtech       http://www.orbtech.com
Schevo        http://www.schevo.org
Louie         http://www.pylouie.org
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