[IronPython] Implementing WSGI server as ASP.NET handler

Sanghyeon Seo sanxiyn at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 09:21:08 CEST 2006

Hello, I got a proof-of-concept WSGI server as ASP.NET handler
working, using IronPython.

My development environment is Debian GNU/Linux with latest Mono and
XSP, and IronPython 1.0 Beta 4 with patches.

All the relevant codes are here. I will write a nice HOWTO when I got
some more time.

Extract IronPython release and copy CPython's Lib directory over. Then
download wsgi.py from lib directory to Lib directory.

Create a directory (this will be ASP.NET application root directory).
Download web.config and wsgi_hello.py from example directory.

Create "bin" directory inside the application root directory. Make
symbolic links to IronMath.dll, IronPython.dll, and copied-over Lib
directory there. Then download WSGI.cs and its Makefile from src
directory, and build WSGI.dll.

Now just run "xsp2" ("xsp" is for .NET 1.x, and won't work with
IronPython) from the application root directory. You should see
something like:

Listening on port: 8080 (non-secure)
Listening on address:
Root directory: /home/tinuviel/devel/fepy/wsgi
Hit Return to stop the server.

Do not hit return.

Open http://localhost:8080/wsgi_hello.py in your web browser and get greeted.

Seo Sanghyeon

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