[IronPython] User Privileges

Fuzzyman fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue May 23 15:56:58 CEST 2006

Hello all,

I just tried running the ironpythonconsole on a machine with no
administrative privileges. In fact the user on this machine has *fairly*
restricted privileges.

(The machine has the .NET 2.0 redistributable framework installed but
not the SDK, running on Windows XP SP2, with IP Beta 6)

Unhandled Exception: System.MethodAccessException: Attempt to access the
   at System.Delegate.BindToMethodInfo(Object target,
RuntimeMethodHandle method
, RuntimeTypeHandle methodType, DelegateBindingFlags flags)
   at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type type, MethodInfo method,
Boolean throw
   at IronPython.Compiler.CodeGen.CreateDelegate(MethodInfo methodInfo,
Type del
   at IronPython.Runtime.OptimizedFunction1..ctor(String name,
MethodInfo info,
MethodBase[] targets, FunctionType functionType)
   at IronPython.Runtime.BuiltinFunction.MakeBuiltinFunction(String
name, Method
Info info, MethodBase[] targets, FunctionType functionType)
   at IronPython.Runtime.SystemState.Initialize()
   at IronPython.Runtime.SystemState..ctor()
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonEngine..ctor()
   at IronPython.Hosting.PythonEngine..ctor(Options opts)
   at IronPythonConsole.PythonCommandLine.Main(String[] rawArgs)

Can anyone diagnose this ? Does the SDK need installing ? Must the user
have full privileges in order to be able to run IronPython ?


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