[IronPython] Running IP Beta 7

Paparipote . paparipote at hotmail.com
Wed May 24 03:04:08 CEST 2006


Using IP 1.0 beta 6 I run the next program without problems:
.ironpythonconsole AsigPresupSAP.py
08:56:18 2006. Conectando con SAP......
08:56:19 2006. Ejecutando la funci?n.....
09:00:11 2006. Bajando los datos .....
09:00:11 2006. Paso 1.....
09:00:11 2006. Paso 2.....
09:00:11 2006. Regs.recogidos: 42769

After installing and running the same program under IP 1.0 beta 7 I get next 
.ironpythonconsole AsigPresupSAP.py
09:45:28 2006. Conectando con SAP......
09:45:28 2006. Ejecutando la funci?n.....
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\IP\src\AsigPresupSAP.py, line 18, in Initialize
TypeError: Z_Fm_Asig_Get() takes exactly 6 arguments (5 given)

What do you suspect is happening?

The code is:
import time
import System
from System.IO import StreamWriter
import clr
print time.asctime()[10:] + ". Conectando con SAP......"
#aso = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom('SAPProxyE.dll')
from SAPProxyE import *
#cs = 'ASHOST=.......'
cs = 'ASHOST= SYSNR=00 CLIENT=900 USER=xxx PASSWD=yyy 
pASI = SAPProxy1(cs)
print time.asctime()[10:] + u". Ejecutando la función....."
res = pASI.Z_Fm_Asig_Get("2006", "XXXX", "YYYY", "", tASI)  <- the error is 

I never made changes to the .dlls invoked.

Many, many thanks for your attention.

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