[IronPython] How can I read password from console in IronPython?

Roman Miklos RMiklos at pss.sk
Tue Oct 10 12:19:15 CEST 2006


I need to get password from console, I tried
import getpass
pwd = getpass.getpass()
But this do not work - I get a Warning: Problem with getpass. Password may 
be echoed.
and really the password will be displayed on console.

I looked at System.Console which has the methods Read() and ReadLine(), 
but I don't know how to configure 
these methods, so that they will not display the input string. 
I searched on web for an example in VB.NET or C#, but I found nothing. 
So, my question is: How can I read password from console in IronPython?


Mgr. Ing. Roman MIKLÓŠ 
Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa a.s. 
Bajkalská 30, P. O. Box 48 
829 48  Bratislava 25 
Tel.: +421/ 2 / 582 31 174 
Fax: +421/ 2 / 582 31 109 
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