[IronPython] Mailing list vs. Web discussions on CodePlex
Hernan M Foffani
hfoffani at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 10:59:52 CET 2007
> >Personally I don't think the IP-list has enough volume to justify a
> >split and that would be detrimental.
> >
> >If people don't want to subscribe to a list for fear of spam it's fair
> >enough but the list has been working just fine until now and I
> >personally would not pay attention to a forum per se myself.
> >
> >
> I agree. I abhor forums and prefer mailing lists.
Me either.
BTW, are there any way to enable gmane for this list again?
I've only found this:
which seems outdated.
I guess that a gateway to gmane would bring readers enough
options to choose from.
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