[IronPython] IP 2.0 Hosting

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Tue Dec 18 09:12:04 CET 2007

Dino Viehland kirjoitti:
> For exposing classes/namespaces/etc...  I think we may have a deficiency here even in the new model.  While we do have a global namespace per ScriptRuntime I don't believe we have a way to say "populate this with these types/namespaces".  I'll bring this up next time we're going over the spec internally.


I am not sure if I actually need to be able to populate the embedded 
scriptruntime with certain types directly, but certainly being able to 
expose namespaces there nicely would be good. I guess I'll need to study 
again / more what the module publishing actually already provides.

> IronPython source code is in IronPythonTest.  I imagine whatever Toni can post will be more useful :).
> using IronPython.Runtime.Hosting;
> using Microsoft.Scripting;
> PythonEngine pe = PythonEngine.CurrentEngine;
> pe.Execute(script); # where script is a string w/ some code in it.  This runs in the DefaultModule which is:
> IScriptModule default_module = ScriptDomainManager.CurrentManager.Host.DefaultModule;

That is effectively what I do too, otherwise the code just has failed 
attempts to load assemblies etc. that are now commented out :p


> -----Original Message-----
> From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Toni Alatalo
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 1:04 AM
> To: users at lists.ironpython.com
> Subject: Re: [IronPython] IP 2.0 Hosting
> On Monday 17 December 2007 03:52:03 Slide wrote:
>> I am at a huge loss trying to figure out hosting IP 2.0 in my C#
>> application to provide scripting capabilities to my app. Does ANYONE
>> have an example of this? I tried grabbing the document listed in a
>> post a little while ago, but the class names in the document don't
>> match anything I have in the package I downloaded. I'm looking for the
> I have done it for two systems now.
> Apparently that document is not about the implementation in the 2.0 alphas,
> but I've guessed that of a plan for the next step.
> The embeddings I made were actually done before that document was sent, and I
> just mostly did trial-and-error based on the method names and signatures etc.
> Don't have the code here now, but unless someone sends something soon can put
> something together later today (in 6 hours or so) .. it's simple, nothing
> special there.
>> ability to have a class in Python inherit (implement) an interface
>> defined in C# and then create an instance of that class for use from
>> the C#.
> Python uses 'duck typing', so to implement an interface you just implement it,
> i.e. define the class so that it has the methods that the interface requires.
> I actually don't know if that is the case when giving objects to c#-written
> code that expects something that implements a certain interface, but based on
> how I've used delegates my guess is that no extra syntax is needed. For
> example if there is a delegate type MyDelegate(int i); defined in c#, a
> normal Python function that takes 1 argument is accepted
> (ironpython/dlr/something seems to introspect the definition somehow at
> runtime and raises an error if the signature does not match).
> I have not yet found a way to expose selected c#-written classes (or
> interfaces) to the embedded Python context - have tried many things with the
> context and module etc. creation methods that are there in 2.0 alphas with no
> luck.
> What works, and what I've resorted to currently, is just adding references to
> the dlls also on the Python side, and importing the modules/classes in
> Python. Typechecking of objects created from those assemblies seems to work
> back on the c#-written side as long as the path from where you loaded the dll
> is exactly the same.
> With 1.1 it is possible to use the LoadAssembly command to make already loaded
> assemblies from c# to show in the Python side. I am guessing that the 2.x
> series will have something similar using the runtime objects or what was it
> that is mentioned in that document, but there was no detailed info of that in
> the doc yet and I have not found any implementation of it either (i have not
> checked out stuff from codeplex repo though, just used alpha releases).
>> slide
> ~Toni
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