[IronPython] Difference in 1.1 and 2.0 with Dialog Result

Davy Mitchell daftspaniel at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 15:20:47 CET 2007

import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import DialogResult
if DialogResult.OK:
    print "Boo!"

The above prints Boo! in 1.1 and early 2.0 Alphas i.e. DialogResult.OK
resolves to TRUE.

A6 and A7 (didn't try any others!) nothing is printed i.e.
DialogResult.OK resolves to FALSE.

Now, I am changing my dialog code anyway but is this a deliberate change?


Davy Mitchell
Blog - http://www.latedecember.co.uk/sites/personal/davy/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/daftspaniel
Skype - daftspaniel                                          needgod.com

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