[IronPython] IronPython now runs faster on Mono

Paolo Molaro lupus at ximian.com
Tue Jun 5 15:02:26 CEST 2007

On 06/05/07 Sanghyeon Seo wrote:
> > This is because we JIT many more methods in 2.0 and the JIT time is
> > accounted in the results. Adding a warmup call to pystone.py will
> > get the 1.1 and 2.0 results much closer than they appear to be
> > with a default run (58k vs 46k in the default and 59k vs 55k with
> > the warmup on my pentium M 1.6).
> How do I add a warmup call to pystone.py?

at the end of the file just before main(loops).
It should be 1 instead of 10000, but the code is buggy and will result
in a division by zero error (and 10000 may not be enough on a fast box,
so if you get an error you'll need to increase it...).


lupus at debian.org                                     debian/rules
lupus at ximian.com                             Monkeys do it better

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