[IronPython] Compiling from IronPython?

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Tue Jun 19 15:31:54 CEST 2007

mike arty wrote:
> First, is there a way to compile applications straight from IronPython 
> or is it necessary to first translate your code to C#? Second, if 
> there is a way to compile straight from IronPython, how does this 
> effect performance of the compiled program( i.e. compiling a program 
> from c# vs ironpython - any difference)? I'm looking to build 3D 
> DirectX applications that make use of various pathfinding/searching 
> algorithms and I'm most concerned about performance.
> Input greatly appreciated!

What do you mean by 'compiling'. IronPython applications don't *need* 
compiling, and compiling C# from IronPython is possible - but only 
useful in certain situations.

You can compile IronPython source code into exes, but there is no speed 
benefit(well you save the parse / compile phase - but this is minimal) - 
just the perceived advantage of a non-source distribution. There is an 
IronPython sample called Pyc which demonstrates this.

You can create a C# project that embeds the IronPython engine and 
creates a custom executable - is this what you want? The TabbedImages 
project has an example of this:


Michael Foord

> -mike
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