[IronPython] Immutable value types, again

Aaron Leiby fireonyoursleeve at hotmail.com
Mon May 14 00:45:59 CEST 2007

This was the very first issue I ran into using IronPython fwiw.


I wound up falling back to writing C# code for those situations.  They were 
almost always too slow to be doing in IP to start with.

I agree it's a very easy trap to fall into.  I would prefer it *just 
worked*, but can (loosely) understand the arguments.


----- Original Message -----
From: "drew moore" <drew at astro.pas.rochester.edu>
To: "Discussion of IronPython" <users at lists.ironpython.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Immutable value types, again

> No comments on mutable value types?
> I hope my post wasn't too trollish. I expected *somebody* to respond.
> I figured if I was struggling with it, other people had to be as well,
> so I felt obligated to speak up.
> Upside:
> * Nobody else seems to be having issues with the immutable value types
> decision. Perhaps most interfaces follow "the guidelines" and most users
> don't run across this one.
> * Nobody clued me in on something I could have done short of writing
> some C# code. I expected some kind soul to say something like "you fool,
> you just need to cast it to a ref type and then you can mutate it all
> you want. When you need the val type, just cast it back. Didn't you read
> the tutorial??" I don't do much IronPython or .NET stuff so I'm a bit of
> a noob there. I did read the tutorials, but I might have missed something.
> Just curious: does IronRuby have a similar situation? Did they make the
> same decision? (not that I'm thinking of switching to Ruby. Ruby's a
> great language I hear, but I'm too much of a Python fanatic to switch. ;-)
> cheers
> Drew
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