[IronPython] DLR Hosting Spec

Dino Viehland dinov at exchange.microsoft.com
Tue Nov 20 01:15:31 CET 2007

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago we've been wrapping up work on designing the hosting APIs and just this past week we've started implementing the new hosting APIs.  We'll be continuing this work off-and-on over the next few months so now is a great time to start collecting feedback on the design of the new APIs.

One thing worth mentioning is the spec is incomplete, and the text that is there is not final.  The conceptual introduction and the direction we're going is pretty solid.  However, as we review the API reference sections in detail, as implementation feeds back on the design, and as we gather external feedback, we're updating the spec and code.  The reason we're releasing this so early is to gather feedback on the design and functionality of the APIs.  Any feedback you have would be appreciated.

The new APIs will also start showing up incrementally in the next few releases of IronPython and the regular source drops of IronRuby.  So soon you'll also be test out and experiment with the bits directly.  This should give us plenty of time to take any feedback into consideration and update both the spec and code for the final DLR APIs.

We look forward to any feedback you might have!

You can grab the spec here: http://www.iunknown.com/files/dlr-spec-hosting.pdf

If anyone would like a version in Word format we can send that so you can mark it up w/ track changes enabled :).

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