[IronPython] What templating modules are usable?

Leslie Ferguson leslie.ferguson at isoftnz.com
Mon Sep 24 04:31:40 CEST 2007

Hi all.  I'm a bit of a fan of Python, but my (paying) development job
is IIS/microsoft centered.


I loved TurboGears, but can't see it being incorporated into our
products at all.  I would like to explore the best path for our .Net
development in the near future, and would like to know what is available
in the area of template processors, such as Kid or Cheetah.  


We would probably do a lot of the business logic and data layer in C#,
but I want to have a better solution for rendering the final output than
what we currently have (messy ASP pages mostly).  Have any of you
implemented something like this?  Does it make sense to use a templating
engine like this instead of ASPX etc. on .Net?



Les Ferguson

Health IT developer

Auckland, New Zealand




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