[IronPython] Return value for ADODB .Execute() call?

Vernon Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 21:17:27 CEST 2008

I've hit my next sticking point in porting adodbapi.

<code snippit>
    import win32com.client
    def Dispatch(dispatch):
        return win32com.client.Dispatch(dispatch)
    win32 = True
except ImportError:  # implies running on IronPython
    from System import Activator, Type
    def Dispatch(dispatch):
        type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(dispatch)
        return Activator.CreateInstance(type)
    win32 = False    #implies IronPython
# [... much later ...]
class Cursor(object):
# ...
  def _executeHelper(self,operation,etc):
    # ...
    # ...
    adoRetVal = self.cmd.Execute()
    if win32:
            self.rowcount = rs.RecordCount
            self.rowcount = adoRetVal[1]
    else:  # iron Python
        rs = adoRetVal
            self.rowcount = rs.RecordCount
            # HOW DO I GET THE ROW COUNT ? ? ?
            self.rowcount= -1
</ code >
It appears that, when called from VB, the Execute method takes an optional
>From w3schools.com:
ADO Execute Method
[image: Command Object Reference] Complete Command Object

The Execute method executes the query, SQL statement or procedure specified
in the CommandText property of the Command object.

The results are stored in a new Recordset object if it is a row-returning
query. A closed Recordset object will be returned if it is not a
row-returning query.
Syntax for row-returning

Set rs=objcommand.Execute(ra,parameters,options)

  Syntax for non-row-returning

objcommand.Execute ra,parameters,options

 Parameter Description  ra  Optional. Returns the number of records affected
by a query. For a row-returning query, use the RecordCount property of the
Recordset object to count of how many records are in the object.  parameters
 Optional. Parameter values passed with an SQL statement. Used to change,
update, or insert new parameter values into the Parameters Collection.  options
Optional. Sets how the provider should evaluate the CommandText property.
Can be one or more
Default is adCmdUnspecified.
</quote>We can't pass the "ra" parameter in python, so pywin32 returns a
tuple with the recordset and the number of records.

How do I retrieve the number of records (for a non-row-returning query) in
Vernon Cole
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