[IronPython] IronPython and file descriptors
slide.o.mix at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 19:21:27 CET 2008
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Tom Wright
<tom.wright at resolversystems.com> wrote:
> Agreed. It is certainly possible with some work to get a file descriptor and
> pass it to C code.
> This is not the problem, however. Ironclad's aim (eventually) is to allow
> *arbitrary* C extensions to work with Ironpython without changing the
> extensions. Ctypes aim is to allow arbitrary C code to be run by python
> (possibly in other python libraries which you really don't want to modify).
> In CPython .fileno() is a file descriptor and some modules use this fact
> (specifically PIL) by passing file descriptors as integers into C code. I do
> not know how one can make this code work in IronPython unless .fileno()
> returns a file descriptor.
> The game here is not making a particular C library work with IronPython by
> modifying this library but making as many libraries as possible work without
> modification. Of course whether this is worthwhile depends on how many
> libraries rely on this fact.
> Sorry - I hope this is a little clearer.
> Tom
How does CPython get the file descriptor for fileno()? Does it just
return the HANDLE on Windows?
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