[IronPython] Online IronPython interpreter and DLRconsole.

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Dec 19 13:10:45 CET 2008

xkrja wrote:
> I've seen Michael Foord's "Interactive Interpreter" made in Silverlight 2 and
> the DLRconsole (I assume made by Jimmy Schementi) and I like them a lot.
> But my question is: What controls have been used to mimic the console
> "feeling"? I've tried to read the source code but can't find how it's built
> up. I would like something similar but can't figure out how to do it. 
> Of course I can go with a textblock and textbox but that wouldn't give the
> real feeling.
> Thanks for any help!
My project ('Python in the Browser') doesn't use any controls. It works 
with an HTML textarea and Javascript. When I get any time to work on it 
I will probably change this - but still use HTML components rather than 
Silverlight controls.

You might like to also check out Dan Eloff's very slick Silvershell:


Michael Foord


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