[IronPython] IronPython 1.1.1

Dave Fugate dfugate at microsoft.com
Sun Jan 27 21:22:47 CET 2008

Hello IronPython Community,

It's been a couple of weeks since we released IronPython 1.1.1 RC1 and this build does not appear to have caused any new issues.  As a result I'm pleased to announce the release of IronPython 1.1.1.

IronPython v1.1.1 is a minor update in which we fixed the most requested CodePlex bugs and also a handful of trivial bugs.  In total around twenty bugs have been resolved for 1.1.1.  Additionally, an issue that was reported directly on the IronPython mailing list was fixed - testComparingClrObjects (see http://lists.ironpython.com/htdig.cgi/users-ironpython.com/2008-January/006171.html for details).

We'd like to thank everyone in the community for your bug reports and suggestions that helped make this a better release: Seo Sanghyeon. Pobrien, Giles Thomas, sdahlbac, grizlupo, Tony Djordjevski, ayarrow, Michael Foord, milind, Kristof Wagemans, and Jan Szumiec.

You can download IronPython 1.1.1 from http://www.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython&ReleaseId=5141.

The IronPython Team

Complete list of bug fixes:
* 10825 Sockets and Standard Library Modules in IronPython
* 5682 System.Single boolean ops w/ integer types broken
* 7594 type._call_ always passes type(type) as 1st parameter
* 6332 DataGridView doesn't support a list of Python class instances as its DataSource
* 6489 Backslash on the interactive console causes syntax error
* 8246 Bug in handling of keyword arguments for _call_ (resolver request)
* 7987 Trivial: help(clr.AddReference) not helpful
* 9262 not override _eq_ at derived float Title is required
* 9807 When a .DLL exists we may improperly try to load it as a pre-compiled module when we should load it as a .NET DLL
* 9453 += works differently on lists
* 10474 Need to ignore null paths in sys.path
* 11759 Zero-length regex split
* 2206 with statement broken in commandline
* 2248 Missing debug information for IL offset 0 of generated methods
* 3529 Trivial: int._int_ does not exist
* 6266 re.compile(...).match(...) does not permit certain integer pos/endpos keyword parameter values
* 6271 re.compile(...).match(...).groupdict() broken WRT to unnamed groups
* 6272 re.compile(...).match(...).endpos has an incorrect value
* 6273 re.sub(..., "...\?...", ...) broken
* 6275 re.match(..., ...).regs is nearly always incorrect

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