[IronPython] Silverlight and Catching HttpWebRequest Errors

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon May 12 09:58:28 CEST 2008

Hello guys,

I have a problem with catching network errors raised by HttpWebRequest 
in Silverlight. (Not necessarily an IronPython specific question - but 
you guys are so intelligent you are always the first place I turn...)

HttpWebRequest uses an async model for fetching resources. If there is a 
problem (triggered usually by a slow response from the server), then it 
can happen *after* I have made the request - but before my callback is 
invoked. This gives me nowhere to catch the exception, as effectively it 
happens 'inside Silverlight'. I wondered if there was a solution... ?

def callback(asyncResult):

uri = Uri(some_url)
req = HttpWebRequest.Create(uri)

req.BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback(callback), object())

The error occurs after BeginGetResponse, but before calback. Any ideas 
for catching it?

Michael Foord

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