[IronPython] What's the situation on being able to accept patches?

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Oct 13 19:15:21 CEST 2008

Dan Eloff wrote:
> I've completed the _ast module, fully implementing all classes from
> the CPython module for Python 2.5. In the end the only way to do it
> was as a patch to IronPython, partly because creating an ast from
> source is done through the compile() builtin, but also because someone
> did an optimization on GeneratorExpression that gave no public
> interface to the syntax info. I patched GeneratorExpression to provide
> the same public interface as ListComprehension, while making sure not
> to affect the optimization. So now you have a 2500 lines of code patch
> for IronPython that you cannot yet accept. What's the situation here?
> How long is this likely to remain a problem (with the answer so
> dependent on lawyers I'm not optimisitc)
> It's way too late for this to end up in 2.0, but I was hoping for 2.1.
> And if I supply a python doctest with the patch is that even useful to
> you guys in your testing harness?

The IronPython guys don't yet have permission to accept patches. 
Permission to contribute to the modules will come before contributions 
to the core IronPython - and we are unlikely to be ever able to 
contribute to the DLR.

However - FePy will gladly accept your patches... I expect Seo will even 
add you as a commiter as the current state of FePy is that it is at 
2.0a5 and badly needs an update. :-)

If 2.1 has significant benefits we could even release 2.1 before 2.0 is 
officially out. :-)


> -Dan
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