[IronPython] In silverlight beta 2 is there any way to seperate the iron python assemblies from the app?

Vineet Jain (gmail) vinjvinj at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 16:05:58 CEST 2008

This is from Michael's web site:


    - Including the IronPython assemblies in every application makes even
the simplest Dynamic Silverlight application painfully large. In answer to
this point in a comment on his blog, John Lam replied: "Depending on how you
configure your app, you can download the DSL dependencies (DLR + IronRuby)
in a separate XAP that comes from one of our servers (this isn't working
yet). So your XAP becomes something like 2K in that case. It will also be
cached in your browser cache so it is a one-time download.". So this story
will get better...


I looked on John Lam's blog and saw no updates on it since April. Was
wondering if there has been any progress on it and is it part of the
silverlight beta 2 and the sdk 0.3?







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