[IronPython] Importing System in IronPython 2 beta 5

Ronnie Maor ronnie.maor at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 17:54:36 CEST 2008


On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Serge R <deus.verus at gmail.com> wrote:

> Works like a charm, thank you.
> On 9/22/08, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
>> Ronnie Maor wrote:
>>> I get the same problem.
>>> Another symptom is that "import System" fails if you don't AddReference
>>> first. never needed to do that for IPy 1.1 and don't need to either when
>>> running ipy 2.0.
>> When embedding IronPython you need to add references to both 'System.dll'
>> and 'mscorlib.dll'. This is done for you in the console, but not when
>> embedding IronPython.
>> You can do this using the 'LoadAssembly' method of the ScriptRuntime:
>> _runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(String).Assembly);
>> _runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(Uri).Assembly);
>> Michael
>>  It fails with my hosting code, and also reproduces with the "hello world"
>>> hosting sample:
>>> http://blogs.msdn.com/seshadripv/archive/2008/09/11/dlr-hosting-sample-simple-dlr-host-using-the-new-app-config-based-scriptruntime-creation.aspx
>>> The only changes I made to the sample were
>>> 1) delete ruby configuration from App.config and the line of code that
>>> builds a ruby engine (I don't have the assemblies for ruby)
>>> 2) change the line defining the source code to:
>>>            ScriptSource source =
>>> pyEng.CreateScriptSourceFromString(@"import System",
>>> SourceCodeKind.Statements);
>>> 3) remove the code that gets the "output" variable from pyEng (since we
>>> don't produce it)
>>> like I said, this fails with "No module named System".
>>> If you add a clr.AddReference("System"), then import works, but dir()
>>> seems to only show namespaces and not types, so import System.DateTime will
>>> fail.
>>> I'm now looking at sources for IronPythonConsole to see what the
>>> difference is, but if someone knows what I'm doing wrong, please tell...
>>> thanks
>>> Ronnie
>>> On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Serge R <deus.verus at gmail.com <mailto:
>>> deus.verus at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>    I am migrating from 1.1 and have been unable to import System.Math
>>>    class. I took a look at what's actually been imported
>>>    clr.AddReference("System")
>>>    import System
>>>    print dir(System)
>>>    On IP2 I got a small list that didn't contain Math or many other
>>>    classes. Am I referencing something wrong?
>>>    IP2 List:
>>>    ['CodeDom', 'Collections', 'ComponentModel', 'Configuration',
>>>    'Diagnostics', 'FileStyleUriParser', 'FtpStyleUriParser',
>>>    'GenericUriParser', 'GenericUriParserOptions',
>>>    'GopherStyleUriParser', 'HttpStyleUriParser', 'IO',
>>>    'LdapStyleUriParser', 'Media', 'Net', 'NetPipeStyleUriParser',
>>>    'NetTcpStyleUriParser', 'NewsStyleUriParser', 'Runtime',
>>>    'Security', 'Text', 'Threading', 'Timers', 'Uri', 'UriBuilder',
>>>    'UriComponents', 'UriFormat', 'UriFormatException',
>>>    'UriHostNameType', 'UriIdnScope', 'UriKind', 'UriParser',
>>>    'UriPartial', 'UriTypeConverter', 'Web']
>>>    IP1 List:
>>>    ['AccessViolationException', 'Action', 'ActivationContext',
>>>    'Activator', 'AppDomain', 'AppDomainInitializer',
>>>    'AppDomainManager', 'AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions',
>>>    'AppDomainSetup', 'AppDomainUnloadedException',
>>>    'ApplicationException', 'ApplicationId', 'ApplicationIdentity',
>>>    'ArgIterator', 'ArgumentException', 'ArgumentNullException',
>>>    'ArgumentOutOfRangeException', 'ArithmeticException', 'Array',
>>>    'ArraySegment', 'ArrayTypeMismatchException',
>>>    'AssemblyLoadEventArgs', 'AssemblyLoadEventHandler',
>>>    'AsyncCallback', 'Attribute', 'AttributeTargets',
>>>    'AttributeUsageAttribute', 'BadImageFormatException',
>>>    'Base64FormattingOptions', 'BitConverter', 'Boolean', 'Buffer',
>>>    'Byte', 'CLSCompliantAttribute', 'CannotUnloadAppDomainException',
>>>    'Char', 'CharEnumerator', 'CodeDom', 'Collections', 'Comparison',
>>>    'ComponentModel', 'Configuration', 'Console',
>>>    'ConsoleCancelEventArgs', 'ConsoleCancelEventHandler',
>>>    'ConsoleColor', 'ConsoleKey', 'ConsoleKeyInfo',
>>>    'ConsoleModifiers', 'ConsoleSpecialKey', 'ContextBoundObject',
>>>    'ContextMarshalException', 'ContextStaticAttribute', 'Convert',
>>>    'Converter', 'CrossAppDomainDelegate', 'DBNull',
>>>    'DataMisalignedException', 'DateTime', 'DateTimeKind',
>>>    'DateTimeOffset', 'DayOfWeek', 'Decimal', 'Delegate',
>>>    'Deployment', 'Diagnostics', 'DivideByZeroException',
>>>    'DllNotFoundException', 'Double', 'DuplicateWaitObjectException',
>>>    'EntryPointNotFoundException', 'Enum', 'Environment',
>>>    'EnvironmentVariableTarget', 'EventArgs', 'EventHandler',
>>>    'Exception', 'ExecutionEngineException', 'FieldAccessException',
>>>    'FileStyleUriParser', 'FlagsAttribute', 'FormatException',
>>>    'FtpStyleUriParser', 'GC', 'GCCollectionMode', 'GenericUriParser',
>>>    'GenericUriParserOptions', 'Globalization',
>>>    'GopherStyleUriParser', 'Guid', 'HttpStyleUriParser',
>>>    'IAppDomainSetup', 'IAsyncResult', 'ICloneable', 'IComparable',
>>>    'IConvertible', 'ICustomFormatter', 'IDisposable', 'IEquatable',
>>>    'IFormatProvider', 'IFormattable', 'IO', 'IServiceProvider',
>>>    'IndexOutOfRangeException', 'InsufficientMemoryException',
>>>    'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'IntPtr', 'InvalidCastException',
>>>    'InvalidOperationException', 'InvalidProgramException',
>>>    'LdapStyleUriParser', 'LoaderOptimization',
>>>    'LoaderOptimizationAttribute', 'LocalDataStoreSlot',
>>>    'MTAThreadAttribute', 'MarshalByRefObject', 'Math', 'Media',
>>>    'MemberAccessException', 'MethodAccessException',
>>>    'MidpointRounding', 'MissingFieldException',
>>>    'MissingMemberException', 'MissingMethodException',
>>>    'ModuleHandle', 'MulticastDelegate',
>>>    'MulticastNotSupportedException', 'Net', 'NetPipeStyleUriParser',
>>>    'NetTcpStyleUriParser', 'NewsStyleUriParser',
>>>    'NonSerializedAttribute', 'NotFiniteNumberException',
>>>    'NotImplementedException', 'NotSupportedException',
>>>    'NullReferenceException', 'Nullable', 'Object',
>>>    'ObjectDisposedException', 'ObsoleteAttribute', 'OperatingSystem',
>>>    'OperationCanceledException', 'OutOfMemoryException',
>>>    'OverflowException', 'ParamArrayAttribute', 'PlatformID',
>>>    'PlatformNotSupportedException', 'Predicate', 'Random',
>>>    'RankException', 'Reflection', 'ResolveEventArgs',
>>>    'ResolveEventHandler', 'Resources', 'Runtime',
>>>    'RuntimeArgumentHandle', 'RuntimeFieldHandle',
>>>    'RuntimeMethodHandle', 'RuntimeTypeHandle', 'SByte',
>>>    'STAThreadAttribute', 'Security', 'SerializableAttribute',
>>>    'Single', 'StackOverflowException', 'String', 'StringComparer',
>>>    'StringComparison', 'StringSplitOptions', 'SystemException',
>>>    'Text', 'ThreadStaticAttribute', 'Threading', 'TimeSpan',
>>>    'TimeZone', 'TimeoutException', 'Timers', 'Type', 'TypeCode',
>>>    'TypeInitializationException', 'TypeLoadException',
>>>    'TypeUnloadedException', 'TypedReference', 'UInt16', 'UInt32',
>>>    'UInt64', 'UIntPtr', 'UnauthorizedAccessException',
>>>    'UnhandledExceptionEventArgs', 'UnhandledExceptionEventHandler',
>>>    'Uri', 'UriBuilder', 'UriComponents', 'UriFormat',
>>>    'UriFormatException', 'UriHostNameType', 'UriIdnScope', 'UriKind',
>>>    'UriParser', 'UriPartial', 'UriTypeConverter', 'ValueType',
>>>    'Version', 'Void', 'WeakReference', 'Web', '_AppDomain',
>>>    '__builtins__', '__dict__', '__name__']
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