[IronPython] IPyb5 performance

Ronnie Maor ronnie.maor at gmail.com
Sun Sep 28 08:21:55 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I've finally managed to get my code running correctly under IPy2b5 - thanks
everyone who helped!

I'm now left with a performance problem. My code seems to run roughly 2
times slower:
* infra tests regressed from 19 seconds in IPy 1.1.1 to 33 seconds in IPy2b5
* application level tests regressed from 375 seconds in 1.1.1 to 705 seconds
in IPy2b5
(these are single measurements, but variance is not too big - about 5%)
startup time is also much longer, but I can live with that.

before trying to pinpoint the bottlenecks, I wanted to check I'm not missing
something stupid, like turning on optimizations in the DLR...
below is the hosting code I'm using to run the tests. I tried with and
without "Debug" flag, and it doesn't seem to change anything (except debug
allows me to understand the stack traces). I can also run the infra tests
with ipy directly, which showed that -O and -OO don't help either.

Is there something else I should be doing? any tips?

// set up runtime and engine
            Dictionary<string, object> runtimeOptions = new
Dictionary<string, object>();
            runtimeOptions["Debug"] = true;
            ScriptRuntime runtime =
            runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(String).Assembly); // Add reference
to System
            runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(Uri).Assembly); // Add reference to
            engine = runtime.GetEngine("Python");

// run file as __main__
            engine.SetSearchPaths(new string[] {".", progdir, backend_dir,

            List argv = new List();
            for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; ++i)
            engine.GetSysModule().SetVariable("argv", argv);

            mainScope = engine.CreateScope();
            mainScope.SetVariable("__name__", "__main__");
            var main_module =
            runtime.Globals.SetVariable("__main__", main_module);

            ScriptSource source =
engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(filename, Encoding.Default,
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