[IronPython] Accessing scope variables

Sree Pillai sree_b_pillai at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 6 20:57:28 CEST 2009


We are hosting IronPython in our Windows forms-based application to allow our customers to write scripts. We allow customers to use our own variables within the script.

public class Variable
     string Name;
     int Value;

Variable v1 = new Variable("Length", 10);  // Create a variable with Name=Length and Value=10
Variable v2 = new Variable("Width", 10); 

We set custom variables in scriptScope like this.
            foreach (IVariable aVariable in vars)
                scriptScope.SetVariable(aVariable.Name, aVariable);

With this, user can write a function like this

def CalcArea() :
    return Length * Width

In our application, we are dealing with hundreds of variables and functions. As the user deletes or modifies a Variable (here Length and Width), they would like to know where the variables are used. In this example, the variable Length and Width are used in CalcArea function. I can't find a way to identify the list of custom variables used within a function using the API.

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.


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