[IronPython] Microsoft.Scripting, Python and Ruby

Marco Parenzan marco.parenzan at libero.it
Tue Aug 18 11:44:24 CEST 2009

Dear All,


what about coexistent IronPython and IronRuby in the same application (not
passing objects between IronPython to IronRuby and viceversa)?

In detail, I'd like to script my application with either IronPython or
IronRuby: the DLR is here for this!

Where I store locally my scripts (an Xml file) I can save the type of
script, so I can decide on a script base the language.

But with all subsequent releases of IPY and IRB, have always different
Microsoft.Scripting dlls: at the moment, IPY 2.6beta2 has 2.6.907.0, while
IRB has 1.0.

If I statically link Microsoft Scripting dll is a problem: the only solution
I have is to bring IPY and IRB dlls in different folders and dynamically
load the assemblies.

How can be solved this?


Thanks in advance.


                Marco [dot] Parenzan [at] libero [dot] it

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