[IronPython] Web Services library

David Escobar davidescobar1976 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 07:58:40 CET 2009

One way to do it is to use the *wsdl.exe* tool to generate a proxy class.
The tool will generate the proxy class in C# (it can't do IronPython code),
but you can then take the resulting .cs file and compile it to a .dll (using
the C# compiler - *csc.exe*). Place the .dll into the same folder as your
IronPython program and add a reference to it from your IronPython code using
the *clr.AddReference* method. Something like this:

*import clr
There may be other methods as well, which I'm not aware of, but this is the
way I would do it. The easiest way to get to *wsdl.exe* and *csc.exe* is to
open up the Visual Studio command prompt, which puts all of these tools in
your path - that way, you don't have to go hunting for the tools yourself.

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 3:09 AM, Pavel Suhotyuk <pavel.suhotjuk at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello.
> What a client library you recomend for using WebServices with IronPython (
> something like SOAP.PY ) ?
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