[IronPython] Problem with Creating Executable using SharpDevelop

Kelie kf9150 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 08:49:12 CEST 2009

On Jul 17, 10:07 am, Bruce Bromberek <bruce.brombe... at gmail.com>
> Look at your references to the 5 ironpython DLLs.  Decide right now:  Are
> you going to use the ones that ship with SharpDevelop or the ones using that
> come with IronPython.  Choose one and be consistent.
> I'm still working though how to Build a WIX installer project , so I
> currently ZIP up the release folder generated by SharpDevelop and make sure
> everything is there.  Here's an example for a simple program I have
> distributed to coworkers.

> Make sure the Target machine has been upgraded to .Net 3.5 SP1.  Don't take
> any flack - make them upgrade.*
> *Make sure they are not running on a network share.  Weird things with trust
> can happen with shares.  See my recent cry for help on this list for more
> info.*

Bruce, thanks a lot for sharing your experience. I'll try your

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