[IronPython] IronPython and COM object useage
Dino Viehland
dinov at microsoft.com
Tue Mar 17 18:07:30 CET 2009
If you provide the interop DLL we can debug it. You could also try downloading the latest IronPython sources and building and see if it works there - there have been some changes to COM interop since we've shipped 2.0. But I don't really have a guess of what's happening and will need to step through it to understand the issue more.
We monitor all of the bugs on CodePlex and prioritize and assign them on a regular basis. A regression from 1.x is pretty serious so we'll probably look at it fairly quickly.
From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Wim De Kimpe
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 9:33 AM
To: 'Discussion of IronPython'
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython and COM object useage
not sure how this works, but opening a bug report is one thing. What is needed to find the root cause?
And who will be looking for this?
kind regards
From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: dinsdag 17 maart 2009 16:15
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython and COM object useage
Yep, www.codeplex.com/IronPython<http://www.codeplex.com/IronPython> is the right place to open a bug.
From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Wim De Kimpe
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 5:41 AM
To: 'Discussion of IronPython'
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython and COM object useage
Hi all
I have uninstalled the 2.0.1 version and used the version 1.1.2 instead. And there it works like a breeze...
Can I enter a bugreport somewhere?
From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Dino Viehland
Sent: maandag 16 maart 2009 17:25
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] IronPython and COM object useage
Does get_Initialized work?
On 2.0 you might want to run w/ the -X:PreferComInteropAssembly option which will cause us to prefer the interop assembly over using normal COM dispatch. It'd still probably be interesting to track down the real issue here because that option is gone in 2.6.
From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Wim De Kimpe
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 2:17 AM
To: 'Discussion of IronPython'
Subject: [IronPython] IronPython and COM object useage
Hi all
Not sure if this is the right forum, but I ask my question anyway.
I would like to use IronPython for creating a hardware testing environment, consisting of a "Device Under Test" and some
measurement equipment like a lab power supply and voltage meter and things like that.
These instruments come with a library which enables communication via USB or GPIB. I have been using them in
VBA for Excel, C# and VB.Net. Now when I try to do the same in IronPython, I do not seem to get it to work.
I have copied the Interop assembly dll's from my example C# program into a separate directory, and then try to do the same
steps as I do in the example. Here's the C# example :
using System;
using Agilent.AgilentU2741A.Interop;
namespace Example1
/// <summary>
/// Agilent IVI-COM Driver Example Program
/// Creates a driver object, reads a few Identity interface
/// properties, and checks the instrument error queue.
/// May include additional instrument specific functionality.
/// Runs in simulation mode without an instrument.
/// Requires a COM reference to the driver's type library.
/// </summary>
public class App
public static void Main(string[] args)
Agilent.AgilentU2741A.Interop.AgilentU2741A driver = null;
// Create driver instance
driver = new Agilent.AgilentU2741A.Interop.AgilentU2741AClass();
// Setup VISA resource descriptor. Ignored if Simulate=true
string resourceDesc = "USB0::2391::18712::SN-4567890::0::INSTR";
// Setup IVI-defined initialization options
string standardInitOptions =
"QueryInstrStatus=true, Simulate=true";
// Setup driver-specific initialization options
string driverSetupOptions =
"DriverSetup= Model=, Trace=false";
driver.Initialize(resourceDesc, false, true, standardInitOptions + "," + driverSetupOptions);
Console.WriteLine(" Driver Initialized");
// IIviDriverIdentity properties - Initialize required
string instModel = driver.Identity.InstrumentModel;
Console.WriteLine("InstrumentModel: {0}", instModel);
string instFirmwareRevision = driver.Identity.InstrumentFirmwareRevision;
Console.WriteLine("InstrumentFirmwareRevision: {0}", instFirmwareRevision);
string instManufacturer = driver.Identity.InstrumentManufacturer;
Console.WriteLine("InstrumentManufacturer: {0}\n", instManufacturer);
// TODO: Exercise driver methods and properties
// Check instrument for errors
int errorNum = -1;
string errorMsg = null;
while (errorNum != 0)
driver.Utility.ErrorQuery(ref errorNum, ref errorMsg);
Console.WriteLine("ErrorQuery: {0}, {1}", errorNum, errorMsg);
catch (Exception ex)
if (driver != null && driver.Initialized)
// Close driver
Console.WriteLine(" Driver Closed");
Console.WriteLine("\nDone - Press Enter to Exit");
Here is what I try to do in Ironpython :
>>> import sys
>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReferenceToFile("Agilent.AgilentU2741A.Interop.dll")
>>> from Agilent.AgilentU2741A.Interop import *
>>> a = AgilentU2741AClass()
>>> a
<Agilent.AgilentU2741A.Interop.AgilentU2741AClass object at 0x000000000000002B>
>>> dir(a)
['AC', 'ACCurrent', 'ACVoltage', 'Abort', 'ActualRange', 'Advanced', 'Alpha', 'A
pertureTime', 'ApertureTimeUnits', 'AutoRange', 'AutoZero', 'Cache', 'Calibratio
n', 'Clear', 'ClearInterchangeWarnings', 'Close', 'Code', 'Configure', 'Configur
eBandwidth', 'ConfigureServiceRequest', 'ConfigureSynchronization', 'Continuity'
, 'Count', 'CreateObjRef', 'DCCurrent', 'DCVoltage', 'Delay', 'Description', 'Di
ode', 'DirectIO', 'Disable', 'DriverOperation', 'DriverSetup', 'Equals', 'ErrorQ
uery', 'FResistance', 'Fetch', 'FetchMultiPoint', 'FixedRefJunction', 'Frequency
', 'FrequencyMax', 'FrequencyMin', 'Function', 'GeographicalAddress', 'GetHashCo
de', 'GetLifetimeService', 'GetNextCoercionRecord', 'GetNextInterchangeWarning',
'GetType', 'GroupCapabilities', 'IAgilentU2741AACVoltage_AutoRange', 'IAgilentU
2741AACVoltage_Configure', 'IAgilentU2741AACVoltage_Measure', 'IAgilentU2741AACV
oltage_Range', 'IAgilentU2741AContinuity_Configure', 'IAgilentU2741AContinuity_M
easure', 'IAgilentU2741ADCCurrent_AutoRange', 'IAgilentU2741ADCCurrent_AutoZero'
, 'IAgilentU2741ADCCurrent_Range', 'IAgilentU2741ADCVoltage_AutoRange', 'IAgilen
tU2741ADCVoltage_AutoZero', 'IAgilentU2741ADCVoltage_Configure', 'IAgilentU2741A
DCVoltage_Measure', 'IAgilentU2741ADCVoltage_NPLC', 'IAgilentU2741ADCVoltage_Ran
ge', 'IAgilentU2741ADCVoltage_Resolution', 'IAgilentU2741ADiode_Configure', 'IAg
ilentU2741ADiode_Measure', 'IAgilentU2741AFResistance_AutoRange', 'IAgilentU2741
AFResistance_AutoZero', 'IAgilentU2741AFResistance_Configure', 'IAgilentU2741AFR
esistance_Measure', 'IAgilentU2741AFResistance_NPLC', 'IAgilentU2741AFResistance
_Range', 'IAgilentU2741AFResistance_Resolution', 'IAgilentU2741AFrequency_Config
ure', 'IAgilentU2741AFrequency_Measure', 'IAgilentU2741AResistance_AutoRange', '
IAgilentU2741AResistance_AutoZero', 'IAgilentU2741AResistance_Configure', 'IAgil
entU2741AResistance_Measure', 'IAgilentU2741AResistance_NPLC', 'IAgilentU2741ARe
sistance_Range', 'IAgilentU2741AResistance_Resolution', 'IIviComponentIdentity_D
escription', 'IIviComponentIdentity_Revision', 'IIviComponentIdentity_Vendor', '
IIviDmmAdvanced_ActualRange', 'IIviDmmAdvanced_ApertureTime', 'IIviDmmAdvanced_A
pertureTimeUnits', 'IIviDmmAdvanced_AutoZero', 'IIviDmmAdvanced_PowerlineFrequen
cy', 'IIviDmmMeasurement_Abort', 'IIviDmmMeasurement_Fetch', 'IIviDmmMeasurement
_Initiate', 'IIviDmmMeasurement_IsOverRange', 'IIviDmmMeasurement_Read', 'IIviDm
mMeasurement_SendSoftwareTrigger', 'IIviDmmMultiPoint_Count', 'IIviDmmRTD_Config
ure', 'IIviDmmRTD_Resistance', 'IIviDmmThermistor_Resistance', 'IIviDmmTrigger_S
lope', 'IIviDmmTrigger_Source', 'IIviDmm_Advanced', 'IIviDmm_Close', 'IIviDmm_Dr
iverOperation', 'IIviDmm_Frequency', 'IIviDmm_Function', 'IIviDmm_Identity', 'II
viDmm_Initialize', 'IIviDmm_Initialized', 'IIviDmm_Measurement', 'IIviDmm_Range'
, 'IIviDmm_Resolution', 'IIviDmm_Temperature', 'IIviDmm_Trigger', 'IIviDmm_Utili
ty', 'IIviDriver_Close', 'IIviDriver_DriverOperation', 'IIviDriver_Identity', 'I
IviDriver_Initialize', 'IIviDriver_Initialized', 'IIviDriver_Utility', 'Identifi
er', 'Identity', 'Initialize', 'InitializeLifetimeService', 'Initialized', 'Init
iate', 'InstrumentFirmwareRevision', 'InstrumentManufacturer', 'InstrumentModel'
, 'InterchangeCheck', 'InvalidateAllAttributes', 'IoResourceDescriptor', 'IsOver
Range', 'LockObject', 'LogicalName', 'Measure', 'Measurement', 'MeasurementCompl
ete', 'MemberwiseClone', 'Message', 'MultiPoint', 'NPLC', 'PerformADCCalibration
', 'PerformCalibration', 'PowerlineFrequency', 'Preset', 'QueryInstrumentStatus'
, 'RTD', 'Range', 'RangeCheck', 'Read', 'ReadMultiPoint', 'ReadingUnits', 'Recor
dCoercions', 'RefJunctionType', 'ReferenceEquals', 'Register', 'Reset', 'ResetCa
librationCode', 'ResetInterchangeCheck', 'ResetWithDefaults', 'Resistance', 'Res
olution', 'Revision', 'SampleCount', 'SampleInterval', 'SampleTrigger', 'Securit
yEnable', 'SecurityState', 'SelfTest', 'SendSoftwareTrigger', 'SerialNumber', 'S
erialPoll', 'Simulate', 'Slope', 'Source', 'SpecificationMajorVersion', 'Specifi
cationMinorVersion', 'Status', 'StoreCalibrationConstants', 'SupportedInstrument
Models', 'SynchronizationBusLine', 'SynchronizationState', 'System', 'Temperatur
e', 'Thermistor', 'Thermocouple', 'TimeoutMilliseconds', 'ToString', 'Transducer
Type', 'Trigger', 'Type', 'UnitTemperature', 'UnlockObject', 'Utility', 'Value',
'Vendor', 'VoltageRange', 'WaitForOperationComplete', '__class__', '__delattr__
', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__
', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__']
' object has no attribute 'Load'
>>> a.Initialized()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'GenericComObject' object has no attribute 'Initialized'
At this point I was expected to just get : FALSE.
Also when I try to call the Initialize method (which seems to be imported correctly), I get the same error : unknown attribute.
When I try to step through the available methods, I do not get any of the interesting ones, only the 'generic' ones.
Also I have checked the Interop assembly using IL DASM, and there also I get the full list, so I think the interop assembly is ok.
What do I do wrong? Is this because it is a COM object ? The IronPython tutorial is not very elaborate on what is actually happening during
the exercice, so I am running a bit out of ideas here...
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