[IronPython] E: Default install location and site-packages

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Oct 8 01:35:05 CEST 2009


I hope to get committed to Python 2.6, as a compatibility fix, a 
separate PEP 370 site-packages folder for IronPython - both in site.py 
and distutils, plus get distutils compatible with IronPython.

Not sure if I can get this done before IronPython 2.6 RTM, but assuming 
I succeed the IronPython installer could create this directory if it 
doesn't exist.

Installing into the user site-packages folder would be done with:

    ipy.exe setup.py --user install

Probably no *need* for it to be the default so long as IronPython 
documents that it is the recommended way to install.


Michael Foord wrote:
> Dino Viehland wrote:
>> Michael wrote:
>>> Well, fair enough [1]. :-)
>>> Except it may *still* leave distutils / package management basically
>>> unusable for many people. That would still seem to be bad. I'd like to
>>> work on making Distribute (the successor to setuptools) compatible with
>>> IronPython but it is going to require a working distutils system.
>>> Can PEP 370 style site-packages be made the default for IronPython?
>>> Michael
>>> [1] I don't have this problem on the Mac. I have a system installed
>>> Python that I must sudo to modify and a user installed one that I 
>>> don't.
>>> Even a user installed IronPython wouldn't have write permissions in the
>>> normal site-packages folder on Windows, right?
>> >From the IronPython side of things I think we should make our installer
>> have an option to install into a per-user directory.  That is certainly
>> missing today and would allow us to even have an elevation free 
>> installer
>> (although we couldn't ngen in that case but we might be able to offer 
>> the
>> user an opportunity to ngen even if they do a per-user install if 
>> they're
>> willing to elevate).
>> Do you have an idea of how to go about making it the default?  It looks
>> like PEP 370 style site-packages work today - although there might be 
>> some tweaking we want to do.  It looks like if you create 
>> %APPDATA%\Python\Python26\site-packages that site.py will pick it up 
>> even on IronPython.  The only downside to this seems to  be that we 
>> share the same directory as CPython per-user site packages.  But I'm 
>> not sure how
>> we would make that the default location to install to.
> I'll look into this with the distutils guys.
>> We should probably make the "Python" part of the directory be Python, 
>> IronPython, Jython, etc... depending upon what implementation you're
>> running on.
> Yes, agreed - IronPython should have a separate user site-packages 
> from CPython.
> Michael
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