[IronPython] IronPython with CherryPy through WSGI Memory issue
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Apr 2 00:49:28 CEST 2010
On 01/04/2010 23:46, Dino Viehland wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Can Gencer<cgencer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Dino Viehland<dinov at microsoft.com> wrote:
>>> I tried this, ExceptionHelpers.DynamicStackFrames.Count seems to be
>>> constant at 1.. I'm not very familiar with windbg but I can certainly
>>> learn more about it.. What should I be looking for?
>> You could try running it under CLRProfiler:
>> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a362781c-3870-43be-
>> 8926-862b40aa0cd0&DisplayLang=en
>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms979205.aspx
>> With it you can see which objects stick around after a GC, what's
>> holding those objects, and where they're allocated. I'm not too
>> familiar with its use yet, but I plan on doing that tomorrow.
> Yeah CLRProfiler is a little more friendly :) I like windbg because it gives
> reasonable way of tracking who's keeping what alive and I find it a little more
> reliable than CLRProfiler. What I usually do is attach to the process after
> letting it leak for a while and then:
Kamil Dworakowski wrote an interesting blog entry on tracing memory
leaks in IronPython apps with windbg:
All the best,
Michael Foord
> .loadby sos mscorwks
> Or
> .loadbys sos clr
> For CLR v2 and CLR v4 respectively. Then you can do:
> !DumpHeap -stat
> Run for a while, repeat that, and look at what types of objects are growing.
> They should be at the end of the list because after running for a while they're
> growing the most. Then you can do:
> !DumpHeap -mt<method_table>
> Where<method_table> is the address for the type that !DumpHeap -stat gave you.
> Then you can start picking objects at random and do:
> !GCRoot<object_addr>
> And you see who's keeping it alive.
> If the leaks big the places to look at pretty obvious. If it's leaking Python
> objects defined in classes though you'll see those as "Unloaded Type".
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