[IronPython] Code Access Security?

Jimmy Schementi Jimmy.Schementi at microsoft.com
Wed Apr 14 09:55:46 CEST 2010

ipy,exe isn't running with any special permissions. How are you invoking the code in a.dll?


On Apr 13, 2010, at 7:28 AM, "Neidhoo Xaphier" <xaphiern at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I created an DLL-File 'a.dll' from my IronPython module/library 'a.py'. This module uses SqlClient functions. While 'a.py' is running nicely directly from IronPython the 'a.dll' doesn't run correctly when I try to use any of the SQL-related parts. I get the following error message:
> SystemError: Fehler bei der Anforderung des Berechtigungstyps System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089.
> My questions is therefore: How do I grant the proper permission to 'a.dll' so that I can access SqlClient and run correctly?
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