[IronPython] Validation in Silverlight

Lukas Cenovsky cenovsky at bakalari.cz
Tue Apr 27 15:16:32 CEST 2010

Hi Hall,
I'm trying to make Silverlight 3 validation working with IronPython but 
it seems there is necessary a small manual step.

I followed some tutorials and this should be enough:

1) Set binding to: Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, 
2) Raise Exception in the setter

Then the control with bound property should became invalid.

I tried it with TextBox and I failed - the control still appeared valid 
even when the exception was raised.

The solution is to manually set the control into invalid state (based on 
BindingValidationError event) - see attached files for example.

Does anybody know why the control is not set into invalid state 

-- Lukáš

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