[IronPython] newbie getting started problem

Peter Howard peterhoward42 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 15:13:03 CEST 2010

Hi I've been following the getting started examples here:

I've hit a newbie ignorance problem as soon as I've tried to go 'off-piste'
with this (below):

(The debug print statement shows up in the repl console and there are no
exceptions - but no gui shows up)

(In previous Python/Qt contexts I would have been concerned about my script
variables going out of scope at the end of the run and GUI artefacts being
garbage collected - but the examples I'm copying from don't seem to need any
special treatment to avoid garbage collection?).

Any help much appreciated - and by the way - after over 20 years as a
professional programmer - this is about the most exciting technology
combination I've come across.


html entry point:

    <script src="http://gestalt.ironpython.net/dlr-latest.js"
    <script type="text/python" src="repl.py"></script>
    <script type="text/python" src="app.py"></script>

python source referenced as app.py:

from System.Windows import Application
from System.Windows.Controls import Canvas, TextBlock

canvas = Canvas()
textblock = TextBlock()
textblock.FontSize = 24
textblock.Text = 'This Really Works!!'

Application.Current.RootVisual = canvas

print 'got to end'
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