[IronPython] Dynamic-ish programming, or MissingMemberException

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Jul 8 20:14:49 CEST 2010

On 08/07/2010 19:03, Marcin Krol wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> When I try to add attributes to self in a method outside __init__, I'm 
> getting MissingMemberException. Do I have to add everything to 
> __slots__ and __init__() ?
> I'm not saying it's not worth having smth like this to get Python plug 
> into CLR, but this is kinda weird.
> In addition, IronPython Studio crashed when I tried to get an online 
> explanation from the exception window.
Don't use IronPython Studio - it is *very* unstable and uses IronPython 
1 which is years out of date.

Use IronPython Tools for Visual Studio 2010:


Basically you shouldn't use __slots__ because it causes problems like 
this... I think IronPython Studio creates classes with __slots__ when 
you use the windows forms designer. IronPython Tools doesn't have a 
winforms designer because it isn't really possible without horrible 
hacks. I recommend using the Visual Studio C# designer and then subclass 
the classes it generates from IronPython.



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