[IronPython] png images in xaml

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Jul 8 22:45:33 CEST 2010

On 08/07/2010 21:21, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
> Hi
> I am using visual studio 2010 and the iron python tools.
> How do I place an image in a dialog?
> I have this in my xaml:
> <Image Name="pm_logo" Grid.Row='0'>
>              <Image.Source>
>                  <BitmapImage UriSource="/Images/pm.png"></BitmapImage>
>              </Image.Source>
>          </Image>
> and in the project directory I have the Images folder and the png
> image.  But nothing shows when I run the app.
> Is it preferable to add the images in code or is xaml the correct place?
The URI syntax for loading images from the filesystem is truly horrible 
and requires you to specify absolute paths I believe. It is easier from 
C# as you can refer to them statically as embedded resources (or 
something like that).

If I recall correctly, in IronPython in Action I do it by preprocessing 
the xaml to insert the absolute path in the correct syntax before 
loading the xaml. Doing it from code is the other alternative.

All the best,



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