[IronPython] Time out

Saeli Mathieu saeli.mathieu at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 16:39:31 CEST 2010

I found a way to solve this problem :)

Pretty easy :)

public class MyThreadHandle


 //Your properties here :)

 public String Error;


 //use the constructor to init your properties
 public MyThreadHandle(PythonEditor pythonEngine)

  this.pyEngine = pythonEngine;

//You can use another methode to change the values of your properties
 public void SetParam(var a, var b, var c,...etc)


 this.a = a;


 public void ThreadLoop()


 //Call the method you need or do the action you needed to do :)

 //Get the result with your properties
this.Error = this.a.RunCode(player, EcH);



How to use it ? Simple :)

MyThreadHandle ThreadHandle = new MyThreadHandle(new object()or whatever);

ThreadHandle.SetParam(ObjectA, objectB);

Thread WorkerThread = new Thread(ThreadHandle.ThreadLoop);


if (WorkerThread.Join(5000))

 this.ErrorOutput = ThreadHandle.Error;
 this.ErrorOutput = "Time Out, Infinit Loop";

Saeli Mathieu.

+33 6 45 32 78 47
{Epitech} 2012
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