[IronPython] How should I install packages?

Matthew Wilson matt at tplus1.com
Mon Jun 7 14:43:41 CEST 2010

I've got an all-python package that should be compatible with
ironpython.  It seems like distutils.setup doesn't exist though, so my
original setup.py script won't work.

I might tweak my setup.py so that when it can't find a distutils.setup,
it goes into "ironpython mode" and then just manually copies stuff.

So where should I install stuff?  Just copy it somewhere in sys.path?

Is there a convention other people are following?


PS and OT: I'm trying to use gmane to access this mailing list with slrn (a
command-line newsreader) and while I can post to the list, no new posts
ever show up.

I use gmane and slrn to read a lot of other lists and they work fine.
Any ideas?

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