[IronPython] Referencing extension modules from hosting

Dino Viehland dinov at microsoft.com
Thu Mar 18 17:42:51 CET 2010

Jeff wrote:
> When using a C# PythonModule, there seem to be two ways to load it:
> from script using clr.AddReference and into the console by dropping it
> into the DLLs folder. However, there doesn't seem to be a
> straightforward way to load them in a hosting scenario.
> The best way I've found is the following:
> string zlibModule = "IronPython.Zlib.dll"
> object addRef = engine.GetClrModule().GetVariable("AddReference");
> Assembly zlib = Assembly.LoadFile(zlibFile);
> engine.Operations.Invoke(addRef, zlib);
> It's not terribly difficult to write, but it would be nice to have an
> extension method on ScriptEngine that did it.

I think ScriptRuntime.LoadAssembly should do this as well and is simpler.
> In a similar vein, it would be nice if the engine could scan the
> current AppDomain for assemblies that contain PythonModules - this
> would be useful when running under ASP.NET, as it references an
> assemblies in its bin/ folder, and having them automatically available
> would be handy.

I'm not sure this one is actually possible - I don't think there's any
way to enumerate loaded assemblies.

> Finally, it would be nice to have an extension method on ScriptScope -
> ImportModule? - that did the equivalent of
> scope.SetVariable("zlib", scope.Engine.ImportModule("zlib"));
> If these suggestions are useful I'll create issues for them.

This one sounds like a good idea.  

> - Jeff
> P.S. These are the sorts of things it would be nice to be able to
> contribute patches for.

I agree :(

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