[IronPython] focus and selecting text in a TextBox with IronPython
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Mar 24 23:50:19 CET 2010
Hello Ken,
You don't say whether you are using WPF, Windows Forms or Silverlight.
When I've written code similar to your with windows forms and always
used SelectionStart and SelectionLength.
All the best,
On 24/03/2010 20:54, Ken MacDonald wrote:
> I'm trying to capture the event of focus being shifted into a text box
> via mouse click, and would like to highlight the existing text, so
> that if I start typing the selected text will disappear. i.e. the the
> box initially contains "<Enter Name>", I click into the box, "<Enter
> Name>" is highlighted, and if I type "fred" the initial text will
> disappear, leaving only "fred". I can capture the focus with:
> textbox.GotKeyboardFocus += name_keyboard_focus
> but this handler is doing something wrong:
> def name_keyboard_focus(self, sender, args):
> #alert("got focus!")
> textbox = self.control("NewName")
> textbox.Focus()
> textbox.SelectAll()
> If I add:
> textbox.Cut()
> or:
> alert(textbox.SelectedText)
> at the end, it's obvious that the SelectAll() has worked, but the text
> is NOT highlighted, and if I type "fred" I get "fred" appended to the
> original text, "<Enter Name>fred".
> Any clues appreciated.
> Ken
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