[IronPython] Calling explicitly-implemented interface methods

Dino Viehland dinov at microsoft.com
Sat May 1 00:32:52 CEST 2010

Michael wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm porting the dotnet-integration document that comes with IronPython
> to Try Python. The following example doesn't work, because RegistryKey
> isn't available on Silverlight. Can anyone suggest a good alternative of
> an explicitly implemented interface method on a class in Silverlight?

One example might be Python file objects which also implement IDisposable.

> \.NET allows a method with a different name to override a base method
> implementation or interface method slot. This is useful if a type implements
> two interfaces with methods with the same name. This is known as
> `explicity implemented interface methods
> <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4taxa8t2.aspx>`_.
> For example, `Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey`
> implements `System.IDisposable.Dispose` explicitly::
>  >>> from Microsoft.Win32 import RegistryKey
>  >>> clr.GetClrType(RegistryKey).GetMethod("Flush") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
> <System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo object at ... [Void Flush()]>
>  >>> clr.GetClrType(RegistryKey).GetMethod("Dispose")
>  >>>
> In such cases, IronPython tries to expose the method using its simple name -
> if there is no ambiguity::
>  >>> from Microsoft.Win32 import Registry
>  >>> rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software")
>  >>> rkey.Dispose()
> However, it is possible that the type has another method with the same name.
> In that case, the explicitly implemented method is not accessible as an
> attribute.
> However, it can still be called by using the unbound class instance
> method syntax::
>  >>> rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software")
>  >>> System.IDisposable.Dispose(rkey)
> All the best,
> Michael Foord
> --
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