[IronPython] IronPython 2.6 CodePlex Source Update

merllab at microsoft.com merllab at microsoft.com
Mon May 3 17:52:33 CEST 2010

This is an automated email letting you know that sources 
have recently been pushed out.  You can download these newer 
sources directly from http://ironpython.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/65936.



Changeset Id: 1759102
Date: 4/30/2010 3:50:41 PM

Implements the mmap module. (CLR 4 only)

(Shelveset: mmap;REDMOND\ddicato | SNAP CheckinId: 10702)
Changeset Id: 1758982
Date: 4/30/2010 2:29:14 PM

Complete rewrite and optimization of our set implementation. Added SetStorage class, which is similar to CommonDictionaryStorage without Value fields in its buckets. Set operations are in SetStorage.cs rather than Set.cs for full access to private fields, enabling certain optimizations (e.g. not re-hashing elements). Set operations only iterate through the smaller set when possible. ISet interface is gone, and duplicated logic in set/frozenset is now generated. SetHelpers is gone, but several static helpers remain and have moved over to SetStorage. Frozen sets now share their underlying storage whenever possible. Removed sort from hashing function and instead combined elements’ hashes in a commutative and associative manner. Three different methods of order-independent “summation” (using ^, +, and *) are combined with set cardinality to attain desired hash effectiveness as tested by CPython.

Other changes:
 – Removed HasAnyValues from CommonDictionaryStorage in favor of checking (_count > 0). _count now represents number of values in bucket array, not including the null bucket.
– Fixed an issue in our code generator which failed when the generated code contained ‘#endregion’.

(Shelveset: SetOptimizations;REDMOND\ddicato | SNAP CheckinId: 10699)

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