[IronPython] IronPy Tools for VS - Projects

Dino Viehland dinov at microsoft.com
Tue May 4 01:11:25 CEST 2010

Steve wrote:
> The code snippet below does it. The region for class A goes all the
> way to the next class/EOF (actually, 3 lines before EOF, unless
> there's whitespace on the third- or second-last lines), the region for
> funca goes from the def to the line 'def funcb(self):' inclusive and
> the region for funcb only includes the def and the pass (as expected).
> Interestingly, two unbound functions (remove class, unindent) have the
> correct regions
> class A:
>     def funca(self):
>         if True:
>             pass
>     def funcb(self):
>         pass

Thanks, I have a fix for this as well now.  It was simply the white space
on the last line that was throwing us off.

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