[IronPython] IronPy Tools for VS - Projects

Dino Viehland dinov at microsoft.com
Wed May 19 01:33:26 CEST 2010

Steve wrote:
> Is it possible to have the directory based projects 'implied' when a
> single file is opened (TextMate http://macromates.com/ style)? Because
> I agree with Jeff here that loading existing projects is dead simple
> when you can just add a pyproj. Though the '...from existing code'
> option would be plenty IMHO.

Ok, we discussed internally and we're going to drop the directory based
project system.  Our plan is to have a normal project system like VS has,
support File->New->Project from Existing Code, and continue to iterate
on the implicit project system that we already have.  

That will change in that it'll have UI in solution explorer (this has 
always been the plan but it needs to be implemented).  The implicit 
project also won't automatically detect new/deleted files that come
from external sources but we'll support using the refresh button to
bring it up to date.

As always if anyone has feedback on the new plan we'd love to hear it!

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