[IronPython] expected behavior of the module copy with .net objects

Pablo Dalmazzo pablodalma93 at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 13 20:51:28 CEST 2010

Hi guys,
Sorry for being annoying about this but I just want to know where I'm standing at :)
It would seem to me the copy module has some problems copying .net objects in general. I was wondering if I'm pretending too much for that module and it will never fully copy  objects instantiated from .net classes, or it's a goal  for it to do it someday, or I just happened to find a couple of errors, or Im not using it rightly for what it was meant to be. I dont know 5% of what you know so it's an honest question :)
Aside there are a couple of errors I cant reproduce, and that it didnt copy System.DBNull , now I see it loses property values when copyinga System.Data.SqlConnection object, properties such as "DataSource", "DataBase", etc. they get empty strings after being copied. Just in caseI tried with the original version of the module/file copy. I guess you have thousands of things to check but I just want to know, it's the module supposed to copy any object instantiated from .net classes or it's only supposed to fully work only for custom made classes?
Greetings, Pablo Dalmazzo
P.S: sorry about insisting again with this but I've also added another example where it seems to fail :)

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