[IronPython] Getting an error while Passing Dictionary to a function

saurabh rawat rawatsaurabh at yahoo.co.in
Thu Oct 14 15:48:37 CEST 2010

 I Am trying to pass a dictionary element to a function but even though the function takes 3 arguments , it is showing error as ERROR: Func() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given).
Why is it happening.is there a problem in Dictionary Porting from .NET. to IronPython

 public struct callCounters
            public double callReceivedTimer;
            public double callDialledTimer;
            public double callAllTimer;
            public double callLifeTimer;

callValue = Dictionary[DateTime, callCounters]()

prototype for Func()

void func(string casename, DateTime time, Dictionary <<DateTime>,<user defined Structure>)

Function call 

func(casename, time, callValue )

ERROR: Func() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given).

Plz assist.

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