[Ironpython-users] SciPy for .NET

Shaheer Zubairi z_shaheer at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 2 14:36:23 CET 2011

Hi guys, 
I have a query 
regarding the use of SciPy for .NET.  I have existing code written in Visual 
Basic (VB) in Visual Studio 2010.  I would like to use the Singular Value 
Decomposition (SVD) of a non-square matrix using the Scipy library. I have 
downloaded and installed IronPython 2.7.1,  Numpy and SciPy libraries following 
the steps shown on the website (http://www.enthought.com/repo/.iron/).  My questions are: 
1.      Should there by a 
ScipyDotNet DLL available for me to use in Visual Studio? 
2.      Can I use the code 
found in the directory 
IronPython2.7.1>Lib>site-packages>scipy>linalg to do what I 
3.      Can anyone perhaps 
provide me an example of how to use SciPy SVD from within a Visual Basic script 
in Visual Studio 2010? 
Thank you for giving 
me your valuable time. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
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