[Ironpython-users] IronPython, Daily Digest 12/8/2011
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Fri Dec 9 14:05:29 CET 2011
Hi ironpython,
Here's your Daily Digest of new issues for project "IronPython".
In today's digest:ISSUES
1. [New issue] 2.7.1 Missing Prompts with -i parameter
2. [New issue] IronPython does not support marshaling of python code objects
3. [New comment] IronPython does not support marshaling of python code objects
4. [New comment] Missing projects - build is broken right after download
5. [New comment] AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'readinto',but Cpython has this attribute.
6. [New comment] AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'readinto',but Cpython has this attribute.
7. [Status update] Load a new project error
8. [Status update] Running IronPython on a background thread in Silverlight
1. [New issue] 2.7.1 Missing Prompts with -i parameter
User fdanny has proposed the issue:
"Executing a python script with the -i parameter the prompt message is missing. An example would be ipy.exe -i <fileName.py>, with any python file would reproduce the issue."-----------------
2. [New issue] IronPython does not support marshaling of python code objects
User slide_o_mix has proposed the issue:
"The zipimport test package uses the test_support module which has a method to create a pyc in memory. When IronPython is used, the marshal.dumps method raises a ValueError because the IronPython.Runtime.FunctionCode object is not one that is listed in the marshal.cs file for marshaling."-----------------
3. [New comment] IronPython does not support marshaling of python code objects
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:
"Another part of this is that IronPython does not support bytecode, which is used by the marshal module for marshaling code objects."-----------------
4. [New comment] Missing projects - build is broken right after download
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:
"Is this still an issue with 2.7?"-----------------
5. [New comment] AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'readinto',but Cpython has this attribute.
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:
"This is the doc info for the file.readinto
"readinto() -> Undocumented. Don't use this; it may go away."
For compatibility sake, should implement it, but it probably should not be used."-----------------
6. [New comment] AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'readinto',but Cpython has this attribute.
User slide_o_mix has commented on the issue:
"This looks like its implemented in the latest trunk at least. See _fileio.cs"-----------------
7. [Status update] Load a new project error
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Proposed to Closed with the following comment,
"IronPython Tools are deprecated in favor of PTVS (http://pytools.codeplex.com/)"-----------------
8. [Status update] Running IronPython on a background thread in Silverlight
User slide_o_mix has updated the issue:
Status has changed from Proposed to Closed with the following comment,
"Duplicate of 31223"
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