[IronPython] codeplex-dlr solution

Tomas Matousek Tomas.Matousek at microsoft.com
Sun Jan 30 18:58:54 CET 2011

Yes, some code is missing. I'll add Sympl today. Also CodePlex-DLR.sln is not needed any more (some changes might be needed to remove it, I plan to look at it).

Dlr.sln                                   - solution that rebuilds everything (Ipy, Irb, test assemblies, etc)
IronPython.sln                  - All Ipy assemblies that ship and their dependencies
IronPython.Mono.sln    - Same as IronPython.sln but excludes .Net specific projects (WPF)
Ruby.sln                               - All Irb assemblies that ship and their dependencies
IronStudio.sln                    - All tooling (Ipy, Irb + shared components)

IronPythonTools.sln       - Ipy tooling - I think we should remove this
CodePlex-DLR.sln            - We should remove this
IronRuby.Rack.sln            - IronRuby Rack... not sure what the state is.


From: users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com [mailto:users-bounces at lists.ironpython.com] On Behalf Of Richard Nienaber
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 9:02 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: [IronPython] codeplex-dlr solution

I've been trying to get all the solutions to compile in the source code and I'm stuck on Codeplex-DLR.sln. It references a few projects that are not there namely:


If I delete these projects then the solution builds fine but I'm just wondering if there's some code that's been missed out and still needs to be committed to github?

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