[Ironpython-users] Recommended IDE for IronPython on Linux? (Advise for the poverty stricken)

Dave Wald davew252 at tx.rr.com
Mon Sep 5 06:13:46 CEST 2011

On 9/4/2011 9:58 PM, Curt Hagenlocher wrote:
> VS is a mixed native / managed program, so Mono isn't sufficient to 
> make it run on a non-Windows OS. If your goal is to host IronPython in 
> a C# program, you should definitely be able to use the Express version 
> to develop that. But you won't be able to use any of the Python 
> tooling inside that copy of VS. You'd need to install a separate VS 
> shell install to work with Python Tools. I belive you may still get 
> some amount of IronPython debug support from Express if you set the 
> right the right flags on your hosted IronPython engine such that it 
> generates PDBs for the Python code.

Quite right (now that I'm awake...) ;-)

> On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 6:17 PM, Dave Wald <davew252 at tx.rr.com 
> <mailto:davew252 at tx.rr.com>> wrote:
>     On 9/4/2011 7:45 PM, Vernon Cole wrote:
>>     It looks like my next big project will be done in IronPython and
>>     Silverlight.
>>     But since my laptop runs Windows so poorly, and my student copy
>>     of Visual Studio is on a workstation 200 miles away, it seems
>>     that it might be a good idea to do the initial coding using Linux
>>     (which runs pretty well on the same laptop) and Moonlight.
>>     Q1) Is there an IDE which runs IronPython on Linux?
>>     Q2) If I do have to use Windows, is there an Express (that is
>>     free) compiler which will run the new IronPython integration stuff?
>>     --
>>     Vernon Cole
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>     Vernon,
>     I think I've seen where some folks were running SharpDevelop on Mono
>     http://sharpdevelop.net/opensource/sd/
>     http://www.mono-project.com/Mono:Linux
>     That should work for your C# coding...
>     And the Express version (and/or free VSX shell) MIGHT run on Mono.
>     Don't know.
>     As far as the Express versions of VisualStudio, last I heard, 
>     they will not host the Python Tools for Visual Studio, BUT...
>     you don't really need those anyway.
>     I had a link somewhere to an article on creating a "debug project"
>     in VS, where you basically just make a project out of the exe, and
>     point the debugger to it. Works fine, but I haven't done it in a
>     good while...
>     If I run across it I'll drop you a line.
>     The free VSX Shell WILL host the tools, allowing for IronPython
>     dev and debugging, etc, I'm pretty sure, and it MAY run on Mono...
>     not sure. Haven't tried it myself.
>     http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=1366
>     <http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=1366>
>     Best,
>     Dave
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